マーベラスは、PS4/Nintendo Switch用ダウンロードソフト「FREEDOM PLANET」「アサルトガンナーズ」および、PS4用ダウンロードソフト「X-Morph:Defense」について、本日1月24日より「お手頃価格990円セール」を開始した。

(C)GalaxyTrail LLC. All Rights Reserved. Turbocharged by MP2 Games. Lilac, Carol and Milla
(C) Ziyo Ling. Licensed to and published by Marvelous Inc., XSEED Games/Marvelous USA, Inc., and Marvelous Europe
(C)GalaxyTrail LLC. All Rights Reserved. Licensed to and published by Marvelous Inc. Turbocharged by MP2 Games.
Lilac, Carol and Milla (C) Ziyo Ling.
(C)2018 Marvelous Inc. /HONEY PARADE GAMES Inc.
(C)2017 EXOR Studios, the EXOR Studios logo, X-Morph and the X-Morph logo are trademarks or registered
trademarks in the United States, European Union and other countries.
Licensed to and published by Marvelous Inc



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