Tozai Gamesは、iOS版「R-Type Dimensions EX」の配信を本日11月7日より開始した。価格は600円(税込)。

iOS版「R-Type Dimensions EX」が本日配信!R-TYPEとR-TYPE IIが新旧のグラフィックで楽しめる

Tozai Games is a trademark of Tozai, Inc. registered or protected in the US and other countries. R-Type and R-Type II are trademarks of Irem Software Engineering Inc. registered or protected in the US and other countries.
R-Type Dimensions is protected under US and international copyright laws (C)1987-2019 Tozai, Inc. and/or Irem Software Engineering Inc.



  • Figgy
  • プリコネR特集
  • 「黎の軌跡(くろのきせき)」特設サイト