(C)2015 Marvelous Inc. (C)2017 Marvelous Inc. (C)2019 Marvelous Inc. (C)2021 Marvelous Inc. (C)2022 Marvelous Inc. (C)2023 Marvelous Inc.
(C)2017 Marvelous Inc./HONEY PARADE GAMES Inc. (C)2018 Marvelous Inc./HONEY PARADE GAMES Inc. (C)2020 Marvelous Inc./HONEY PARADE GAMES Inc. (C)2019 KJG PARTNERS
(C)Marvelous Inc. Developed by Grasshopper Manufacture Inc.
(C)GalaxyTrail LLC. All Rights Reserved. Turbocharged by MP2 Games. Lilac, Carol and Milla (C) Ziyo Ling. Licensed to and published by Marvelous Inc., XSEED Games/Marvelous USA, Inc., and Marvelous Europe Limited. ⒸGalaxyTrail LLC. All Rights Reserved. Licensed to and published by Marvelous Inc. Turbocharged by MP2 Games.
(C)Aksys Games Localization Inc / TOYBOX Inc. Licensed to and published by Marvelous Inc.
(C)2017 EXOR Studios, the EXOR Studios logo, X-Morph and the X-Morph logo are trademarks or registered trademarks in the United States, European Union and other countries. Licensed to and published by Marvelous Inc. (C)2021 EXOR Studios, the EXOR Studios logo, Riftbreaker and the Riftbreaker logo are trademarks or registered trademarks in the United States, European Union and other countries. (C)2023 EXOR Studios, the EXOR Studios logo, Schmetterling Engine, X-Morph, Zombie Driver, Riftbreaker and the Riftbreaker logo are trademarks or registered trademarks in the United States, European Union and other countries.
(C)EXAMU Inc./Nitroplus (C)2015 Marvelous Inc./EXAMU Inc./Nitroplus (C)Nitroplus (C)ギルティクラウン製作委員会 (C)SORATOKUMO 2015 (C)Nitroplus 2015 (C)Seikaisha (C)東映アニメーション・ニトロプラス/楽園追放ソサイエティ (C)Nitroplus/TYPE-MOON (C)オケアノス/「翠星のガルガンティア」製作委員会 (C)サイコパス製作委員会 (C)Nitroplus/海法紀光・千葉サドル・芳文社 (C)EXAMU Inc.”